How Can You Tell if You’re a True Artist?

Chad J. Shaffer
4 min readJun 29, 2022

If Your Life is Filled with These Pastimes that You Cannot Help Yourself from Engaging in, There’s No Question That You Are a True Artist!

Source: Unsplash

Like many artists, I’ve been drawing since I could hold a pencil. Artists are blessed with the amazing ability to express what their mind’s eye envisions in a way that others can understand it.

The ability to transfer what you see in your head into something material that others can see and feel is truly a wonderful gift to have. I truly feel blessed to have been born with innate talents that I can express and share with the world.

But being artist is far more than just being able to draw. In fact, some of the greatest artists in the world cannot draw at all.

Writers, actors, dancers, singers, musicians, chefs, comedians, photographers, poets, athletes, designers; even mimes and clowns: the list of professions a true artist can become is endless and changing all the time along with society and technology.

“And I always thought that acting was art, writing was art, music was art, painting was art, and I’ve tried to keep that cultural vibe to my life”

— Dennis Hopper

